Most people go on a crazy diet or spend a couple weeks at the gym, and then give it up. While making drastic changes to your lifestyle is certainly possible, keeping your fitness routine will require dedication to see results. One workout is not going to change your life forever, so be sure to schedule a workout schedule that fits your lifestyle. Once you’ve created a routine, you’ll be more effective at achieving your goals. Here are some ways to help you stick with it:
First, ask yourself what “true” fitness is. For most people, true fitness is about feeling good, being in shape enough to do the things you love, and living the lifestyle you want. True fitness means feeling good after gardening, able to climb stairs without stopping, and more. It’s not about getting into shape to become a professional athlete. The definition of true fitness is more personal. The more you can enjoy life, the more likely you will remain fit.
Second, consider your current fitness level. Many people mistakenly think fitness is about how muscular you are. A fitness level indicates your body composition, or the ratio of lean to fat mass. By increasing your speed and distance, you can become fitter. As you progress, you can also try new cardio equipment. Finally, schedule time to exercise so you can stick to your new routine. A good fitness goal is attainable and realistic. If you’re consistent with your exercises, you’ll see results in no time.
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